As jy met vuur speel (If you play with fire)
A wordless picture book
Client & publisher: Collaborate Community Projects
My involvement: conceptualising, character development, illustration, hand-lettering
Medium: digital drawing
‘As jy met vuur speel’ (‘If you play with fire’) is a cautionary tale about playing with fire and a peek into a little girl’s imaginary world.
Download your e-copy here - or browse the whole Dithakga tša Gobala (Reading Champions) project here

This wordless picture book was created for the Dithakga tša Gobala / Reading Champions project (2017 - 2018), based on stories sourced from parents and children in South African communities.

The story is based on an idea by the Rossouw family, from Danville, Pretoria – which I evolved and developed into a 20-page picture book.

Wordless picture books allow readers to use the illustrations to create a story in a language of their choice. The project hopes to foster a love of books, reading and storytelling regardless of literacy levels, language preference and age.